Oven-Roasted Chicken Fajitas in 25 minutes

Fall cooking season is upon us! Normally, I stand at the stovetop, carefully sautéing one skillet full of chicken and one full of fragrant onions and peppers for what feels like ever. But now? Now I’m all about slicing and dicing and sticking those yummy fajitas in an oven safe baking dish and going about

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Easy Chinese-Style Chicken and Broccoli Takeout

It’s probably obvious…that Chinese inspired meals are my go-to menu most nights. I just can’t seem to help myself. It’s normally pretty fast to whip up and tastes like Five-Spiced nectar of the gods. And it’s also a fantastic way to use up extra veggies in the fridge when staring at ANOTHER broccoli dish. No offense,

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Spinach and goat cheese puree

I’ve been on this SERIOUS workout routine for the last several weeks, and have been so impressed by the changes and differences I’ve seen in both my body and day-to-day life. Now, to be clear, I’m always eating fresh food that I cook for myself. But I’m talking about really, really getting into the nitty/gritty

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Spicy Cilantro Slaw with Green Onions

One of the nice things about living in the South is the extended fall season. I love everything about September (and October) from the slight crispness in the air, to the leaves getting ready to explode in those glorious autumn colors. There’s no better time to go hiking and breathe in the natural beauty of the

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